Sunday, October 3, 2010

a few things worth reading

First is the Matt Taibi piece about the Tea Party and its shortcommings. One key sentence (and I am only through the first page) about how every grass roots movement gets coopted by the big duopoly. Nothing can be truer. I used to have a political blog, and it was my avenue for countering the Bush criminal regime. You can go read some of my stupid shit here. Anyway back in those days Daily kos and Atrios rules the blogosphere if you were a leftist crazy commie. Like me. But godforsake whothefuck would have possibly mentioned the words Ralph far as thes partisans were concerned that mother fuker caused the whole Iraq Afghansitan, and every war that we will get into from here on in. He also caused the TARP and financial crisis.. Because had it not been for that motherfucker and his stupid commie bastard followers, Al Gore would have been president and the twin towers would still be standing and we would all have solar panels on our roofs and cars...but noooooo...Ralph fucking Nader had to get his nose up in a bunch and try to start a 3rd know left of Democrats since he saw them as beholden to the same interests as the republicans...go figure...

Anyway...I digress. Nader was right. Had Al decided to count all the votes in Florida instead of cherry picking certain counties...We would have all had solar panels on our roofs and would have all been driving electric vehicles...but alas Uncle Al decided only some votes were worth recounting...

Anyway...the point is...every grass roots movement in this country is backed by big money...and in the end they dont want a third party. They want the same party system but they want to mobilize voters and vote getters to go out there and get people to vote for their candidates.  Same thing happened with certain primaries when "bloggers" had control of the democratic party. Honestly they never had control of anything, and I remember disticntly being told that political rallys were a waste of everyone's time because the media didn't cover it and there was no effect from it...Obvioulsy Glenn Beck's bullshit rally didn't count.

Lefty Bloggers thought they could have a virtual revolution where everyone would simply read their blogs and get excited and vote Bush out of office. Then John Kerry came along...and we all know how that turned out...anyway

Now were are dealing with the tea party and the same interests are involved but they are basically batting for the republicans...regardless of wether or not those republicans emobdy their ideals..because most of them dont but the tea party is so entrenched in changing the world as we knjow it that they dont know any better...

poor bastards...

and while the main reason i stopped my political blog was because of my job blocking most blogs and sources of my content....another thing that really woke me up was Katrina and the fact that everyone failed at every level...that turned me into a serios cinic and to this day I remain that way...

one thing I have learned is that you cannot start a revolution from your couch...despite what Markos asshat Moulitas says...real live body demonstrations are very much a key part of any revolution.

Anyway the key take home here is that the Tea Party is operating under the same auspices as the blogger left was working under when Bush was in office....There isn't much to say except if they are succesfull I expect Markos to write  a new book. If they are not then lets just all give up our voting cards and jump off a cliff.

Fact is this country's duopoly will continue to make the rich richer and the poor call whatever party you want a party....but for now there isn't anyone really stopping this shit from happening.

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